Hippy Killer Garage. xs650


This XS650 is heavily modified, with the most visible change being a tank from a 1970s Yamaha DT360 enduro motorcycle. The two-into-one exhaust is from Gordon Scott Engineering, with a go-kart style spring bracket added by Seb.

The electric start has been removed to save weight and Mikuni VM34 Roundslide carbs fitted to add power. Keeping the motor cool are a large capacity external oil filter and high performance oil pump from Heiden Tuning.

来自Ze Last Chance Garage改造的雅马哈XS650,油箱是1970年欧版DT360的,使用了米库尼34口径的双化油器,并且改装了油冷散热。

油冷散热来自牛逼哄哄的Heiden Tuning,这老家伙是个骨灰级玩家,成功的把XS650发动机工作模式 从360度相位改成了275度相位,曲轴和凸轮都改了,当然后来一个美国玩家调整下就变成了270度相位,这个玩家下次介绍!